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Why did I lose my child/baby?


A Godly perspective:

Why did I lose my child/baby?


Through the eyes of that child:

I get to be with God much sooner than you.

You will understand that once you are here.

God has the greatest of love and priority for children; it shows so clearly in His Bible.


His Bible promises He created me for a great purpose, regardless of its length.

Our purpose, as with us all, is not for ourselves, but for all others.

God created us for the sole purpose to have a Christ impact on all others, regardless of its length.


Even as a child, baby or newborn, I have done that.

It is testified by how others react to my short earthly existence and eternal purpose.

For some, my earthly existence was short and has ended, faded.

For you, it continues to live daily, as it does with me.


But, until He called me Home, He wanted me to have the greatest possible earthly love and caretaker.

He wanted me to be honored, held by the most important person for me.

He chose a person who He knew could fulfill my need.

He chose a person who He knew could bear such task.

Of ALL others, He chose you.


I can’t wait to see and be with you again once you arrive here in Heaven.

I long for you.

I long to be held by you.

I long to share my memory of every second with you.

I long to spend eternity with you.


So, remember, you were not “punished”.

You had done nothing wrong.

You were not undeserving.


You, beyond ALL others, were chosen to be mine and me to be yours, for all eternity.

Thank you for accepting that task.

Please, be proud.

I’m looking forward to greeting you.


God Does Love You


Founded by Online eVangelism 2013

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